Underwater hotel for divers, consisting of a number of individual bungalows are located underwater and underwater restaurant, implements the concept of the idea of underwater houses the 60-ies of XX century - unlimited long stay of the person under water.
Underwater bungalows and a restaurant, in the form of domes on the frames are made by special technology of stainless steel and clear plastic and mounted on the bottom on piles or ballast blocks. The air pressure in the restaurant and bungalows at a depth of 5 - 6 meters, on which they are installed, which allows divers to gear, to freely enter and exit through the open lanes in the lower deck. Fall into one of the bungalow can only be under water in the scuba. In the restaurant visitors can get both from the surface through an air lock and a spiral staircase, and under water, through the lower deck in a pool. Underwater restaurant can visit not only divers, but also ordinary visitors, down the hall through an air lock on the spiral staircase. Through the transparent walls of a beautiful view of the underwater landscape and marine life.
Supply of electricity, compressed air, fresh water is carried from the shore or barge software. Food, drinks, bedding and hygiene supplies are also delivered from the shore. Underwater hotel for divers may be part of a coastal hotel with private beach.
Underwater bungalows and a restaurant certified by structural, fire and health safety for underwater structures of this kind.
Underwater bungalows and a restaurant are made in parts by a special technology, using a range of KNOW-HOW, a shipyard and assembled on site by professional divers.